Let's get it started with the bit:
English bits for the flat are pretty simple. While it's important that you use a bit that works for both you and your horse, majority of horses going into the pen are sporting D-Ring snaffles or Kimberwickes. Full cheek snaffles aren't used in flat classes very often. They give the horse a funny profile, a lot of extra silver around his face. Plus, the full cheek won't let the rein have the kind of slight, tiny, minimal little itty bitty drape that a lot of horses are traveling on these days. (This does NOT mean throwing away reins like you're on a western horse, it means not attempting to pull your horse into a frame and ripping off his lower jaw.) Some horses go in Kimberwickes. Kimberwickes are not a snaffle bit. They are curbs. They have
leverage. Generally, you won't see just a ton of Kimberwickes in the flat hunter classes. No reason other than a lot of horses don't need them and the simple D-Ring looks so much nicer. O-Ring snaffles should not be used in English classes -- they are western bits.

The Bridle:
The bridle has to be a browband bridle with a noseband or cavesson. Flash nosebands are not permitted on the flat. The bridle should be well fitted, clean, and the leather color should match your saddle as much as possible. This is the type of bridle you need:
Number one with the saddle, it has to fit both the horse and rider. Once you've got that in mind, think about what is hot to trot: lighter colored saddles with the same color leather over the padded flap. Padded flaps and knee blocks are not necessary for a rider with a strong, secure leg, but for a beginner rider or a looser legged individual, the knee blocks and padded flaps are very helpful for the rider to balance off of while posting. Flaps with the hideous light colored suede are very much out of style. Clean your saddle after each ride to prevent the build up of "jockeys" -- those annoying black or dark brown "film" that builds up from the stirrup leather. Also, keep your saddle covered when not in use. Remember that there are different types of seats for english saddles - all purpose or close contact are the most common used for flat classes. Jumping saddles give the rider a more forward seat and for a beginner rider, it is not a good choice. Synthetic saddles are not allowed in AQHA/APHA shows. In fact, a lot of shows are not allowing them anymore. They just look tacky, people.
The Saddle Pad:
Square quilted pads are fine for riding at home, but they are not for the show pen. In fact, the only time these pads are allowed are for Open Jumping classes. Instead, invest a pad especially for the showring. Most shows are encouraging riders to use pads that have special sleeves for the numbers. It is much easier on the judge to see your number if it's on the horse's profile.
English girths should be leather. Neoprene, felt, or nylon string (!) girths should not be used in the pen. The girth should be long enough that it fits the horse without the need of girth extenders. Girth extenders only add bulk beneath your leg and make it harder on you to maintain the proper amount of leg contact on your horse.
Things Not To Use:
Breastplates, cruppers, crops. Really? Does your horse REALLY need a crop on the flat? Are you afraid he'll refuse going in the gate? Seriously, you shouldn't need one, or carry one.
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