Today's Edition: Clothing for the Western Exhibitors (For the Girls!)( Please note: For some reason, the sizing on the fonts went crazy when I published this. I can't fix it no matter what I try. The words that are super huge were not meant to be like that. That is all.)
For anyone out there about to enter a show ring, allow me to clearly state: Your outfit is the judge's first impression of you! Recently, I discovered that there are many, many people living in the past (think 70's and 80's) in terms of western show clothes. Today, we will attempt to rectify this error with a top to bottom in and out list of show clothes. Hats:Out: Flat brims, straw hats, or any color other than white, sand, chocolate, black, or silverbelly. Rule number one, uno, the unwritten law for the western showman is that the hat makes the outfit. Flat brims scream "I don't know what I'm doing!" and make you look like a mushroom. The hat is the first giveaway if you are a total newbie to showing. Those big flat trail rider hats that are so favored by the mounted shooters are a NO-GO. Much like the flat brimmed, unshaped cowboy hat, this particular style of hat says "I'm punchy! I trail ride and thunk to myself I might just try that fancy horse showin'!" The same goes for those simply adorable crushed straw hats with the curled up brim...wear it to the beach or to the mall. There is no place in the showring for that kind of trash. In: The classic well-shaped cowboy hat. Ladies, check out the Hobby Horse hat: nicely shaped hat speaks wonders. Your hat should be felt. A straw hat can be acceptable at a summer open horse show, but if you're outfit is black or a color that would not go well with a light colored straw, stick with the felt. If you already have a felt hat, take it to your local western wear store and have them shape it for you. They may also be able to clean your hat. Keep your hat in a hard hat case when not in use. Keep it inside in cool temperatures to keep it from warping or going back to it's old flat shape (especially in humidity.) Also, if you get rained on, take your hat back in for reshaping before your next show. Make-UpOut: No make-up at all, so much make-up it can be seen from the moon.
Wearing no make-up at all seems to be a thing with the older ladies returning or just breaking into the showring. Girls, I don't care if you "aren't a girly girl," the fact remains that if you are going to show horses, you don't want to leave the judge wondering if you're a man or a woman. Make-up is a necessity. Likewise, it is possible to go overboard with the make-up (most notably blush) for showing. Typically, rail make-up is reserved for the rail, wear a smattering of blush for your showmanship and halter classes, and then reapply before going in for your riding classes. We're showing horses, not working the main stage at the Golden Nugget.
In: Tastefully done make-up, including mascara, blush, and lipstick.
Mascara, blush, and lipstick are the big three in the world of showing horses. They are your best friends, get to know them and invest in good quality make-up that won't sweat off during the day or fade as the show goes on. The cheap dollar store make-up won't cut it. I recommend Max Factor high volume mascara. It doesn't sweat off for the most part and goes on without clumping. Physicians Formula mineral blush is great, it doesn't clog your pores and you can wear a little bit for showmanship and put on more for the rail. If you don't know how to properly apply mascara, blush, or lipstick (and I'm so hoping you already do!) find a younger girl at work (for the older girls), you younger girls that don't trust Mom's judgement (you saw her prom pictures...) find an older girl at the show, or at school that can help you out.
Out: Bolo ties, those conchos with the tassles, no jewelry at all.
I don't think I've seen a bolo tie on a serious exhibitor....ever. Mainly because when I was showing in the 80's it was leadline or walk-trot pony classes. But, hey, those conchos with the horsehair tassles fall in the same category. Wearing a bolo tie or concho pin at a horse show is like wearing parachute pants to your sister's wedding. Everyone is mortified for you and nobody wants to be seen speaking with you. Remember prom night? When everyone sat in the bathroom talking about your super puffy sleeves and how hideous they were? Same thing at a horse show if you're wearing a bolo or concho...except people sit in their living quarters trailer to laugh. No jewelry at all is another no-no. Remember, you want the judge to know you are girl!
In: Pendant necklaces, crystal earrings, scarves
The single exception to the necklace or scarf rule is a shirt that your shirt has a high collar or zips up high enough that one wouldn't be seen. If you are wearing an open collar shirt, find a blingin' pendant on a stable chain or choker. Nothing long and nothing that would flop around as you ride. Crystal earrings are practically a requisite. They don't have to be huge (and no dangly, earrings!) but you need a little sparkle. Scarves are fine if tied properly. Roll the scarf and either tie it in a square knot with the tails off center or get a slider that is either silver or sparkly. (check out Shirts:
Out: Tuxedo Shirts, plain slinkies, Garth Brooks Shirts, see through sleeves, vests, poofy sleeves
You know what I mean by Garth Brooks shirts -- those huge contrasting color blocks that Mr. Brooks loved so much. Sadly, Garth was never in style with these terrible shirts, and if you wear it in the showring, you're as far out of style as he is. They aren't attractive. End of story. Tuxedo shirts! Geez! Who came up with the idea of pairing one of these things with a vest? And not even attractive vests at that. Vests are pretty much the pocket protectors of the western showring. Vests are never, ever, ever, under any circumstance, appropriate for halter or showmanship classes. (Ever.) Plain slinkies are just as far out of style as the tuxedo shirt. A plain colored slinky does not create an attractive outline for the rider and it sticks out like a sore thumb in a sea of more professional-appearing riders. See-Through and Puffy Sleeves need to go back to the 80's prom dress. They are just as tacky for showing horses as they are for wearing to the mall. Keep them in a box in the attic or throw them out when nobody is looking. The chance of these styles coming back into fashion is about the same as my making it into the WNBA. That is to say, zero.
In: Collars and cuffs, super slinkies, bold patterns, rhinestones.
The collars and cuffs came back into style several years ago and they aren't leaving. It looks good. They are sometimes called Tunic Blouses, and they can usually be worn out for Showmanship and Halter and tucked in for riding. A good shirt in this style is a great investment. Remember to have your cuffs pulled back and not flopping down. Have it cleaned regularly. Super slinkies have some kind of applique and design and usually have a matching vest. This is one of the few exceptions to the vest rule. A pretty, stylish vest can be worn in the following classes: Trail, Western Riding, Reining, Working Cow Horse. The vests worn in these classes typically have some kind of fringe and are fitted. Rhinestones are in style and will probably always be. Bling creates a more finished and stylish appearance and under the bright lights of the arena, you'll sparkle like a diamond...or that buckle you're trying to win! Bold patterns and colors are in as well. Bright kelly green, red, blue, pink, they're all good, but don't limit yourself to those colors. The most important thing about colors for showing is that it matches your horse and your saddle pad. A lot of people seem to be hung up on hunter greens and navy blues, but I am going to say right now, that lighter colors look so much better. They are brighter and more fun, and it looks more like you know what's hip!
Out: Gloves
Gloves are out. Black, colored to match your shirt. I don't care. They are out of style. Period.
In: Manicures
A nice manicure looks great and is much more stylish than covering up with gloves. You don't have to go all out and get the acrylics, but have your own nails buffed, polished, and shaped. No colored nail polish. Go for a nice French tip.
Pants and Chaps:
Out: Too short pants, scalloped chaps
Your pants need to be long enough that they don't show the top of your boots when walking or running in showmanship. If you don't have chaps and are riding, they should be stacked enough to not ride up and make you look like you have high waters on. Chaps look great and I love a good turn out with matching chaps, but scallops instead of fringe is about as tacky as it comes.
In: Matching chaps and pants
Basically, if your showmanship top is blue, your pants should be blue too. It looks better, more put together and creates a more pleasing line for the eye. The same goes for when riding. If your shirt is predominantly red, invest in a good pair or smooth red chaps that have been dyed to match your shirt. It looks good and once again creates a nicer line.
Out: Motorcycle boots, boots with the silver toe tips
They were never in style. I just want to make sure that nobody ever wears them in a horse show.
In: Boots dyed to match your outfit.
Wearing an all red outfit? Why not match the boots too? It looks nicer both in showmanship and halter and riding. Check out for custom dyed boots. Your boots should be the plain Justins for the showmanship class.
Hopefully this gives some insight into the correct fashion for western classes. Check out the following sites for more ideas:
If you are looking for cheaper outfits similar to those shown on these sites, I recommend looking on Know what you are looking for and measure carefully before bidding.